50+ and Fabulous: Self-Care for the Mid-Life Rainbow

Let’s face it, hitting that milestone birthday can be a doozy…

Hey everyone, it’s your favorite blogger here! Today, we’re diving headfirst into a topic close to my heart (and probably a few wrinkles!): self-care for the fabulous folks in our community over 50. Let’s face it, hitting that milestone birthday can be a doozy, even more so for our LGBTQ+ fam. We’ve often faced unique challenges throughout our lives,and those experiences can sometimes show up in our health as we age.

In December of 2020, I had to start my search for a new doctor, here in Ohio. I asked a few people in the community who they recommended as a doctor that is versed in LGBTQ+ healthcare, I also inquired about hospitals that would not judge based on sexual orientation. I went through online reviews and researched my options, here in Cleveland, before I made my choice. It was a tad nerve wracking. But fear not, my darlings! Here’s how we can embrace this vibrant chapter and radiate fabulousness from the inside out: 50+ and Fabulous: Self-Care for the Mid-Life Rainbow.

  1. Finding Your Perfect Healthcare Fit: A Guide for Mid-Life Rainbows
    1. Leverage Online Resources:
    2. Ask Around:
    3. Consider Reviews and Ratings:
    4. Don’t Be Afraid to Interview Your Doctor:
    5. Trust Your Gut:
  2. Move It or Lose It (But Make it Fun!)
    1. Find Your Groove:
    2. Embrace the Great Outdoors:
    3. Games for Grown-Ups:
    4. Move it at Home:
  3. Combating Isolation and Celebrating Your Fabulous Self
    1. Building Your Chosen Family Village:
    2. Embrace the Power of “Me Time”:
    3. Celebrate Your Wins, Big and Small:
    4. Embrace the Silver Linings:
  4. Rediscovering Your Passions
    1. Unearthing Your Buried Treasures:
    2. Taking the Plunge: From Inspiration to Action:
    3. Embrace the Journey, Not Just the Destination:
    4. Sharing Your Sparkle with the World:
  5. 50+ and Thriving, Not Just Surviving
    1. The Power of Positive Thinking:
    2. Fabulous Inspiration: Stories of Mid-Life LGBTQ+ Triumph:
    3. Giving Back and Making a Difference:
    4. Embrace the Unexpected:
  6. Let the journey begin!

Finding Your Perfect Healthcare Fit: A Guide for Mid-Life Rainbows

Finding a doctor or provider who feels like a perfect fit can be a challenge for anyone, but for LGBTQ+ folks over 50, it can feel downright daunting. Also, discrimination in healthcare is a harsh reality for many LGBTQ+ folks. We’ve potentially faced a lifetime of negative experiences in healthcare settings, and that can make us wary of opening up to new providers. But worry not, here’s your roadmap to navigating the healthcare system and finding a provider who celebrates you for who you are:

Leverage Online Resources:

The internet is a powerful tool! Here are some fantastic resources to get you started:

  • The Gay and Lesbian Medical Association (GLMA): This organization offers a national directory of LGBTQ+-inclusive healthcare providers [GLMA provider directory]. You can search by location, specialty, and even filter for providers who offer specific services like gender-affirming care.
  • The OutCare Health OutList Directory: Another excellent resource, the OutList allows you to search for LGBTQ+-affirming providers across a wide range of specialties [OutList directory].
  • Local LGBTQ+ Centers: Many community centers maintain lists of local LGBTQ+-friendly healthcare providers. Do a quick web search for LGBTQ+ centers in your area, and you might be surprised by the resources they offer.

Ask Around:

Your chosen family is a goldmine of information! Talk to your friends, partners, and LGBTQ+ community members about their healthcare experiences. Recommendations from people you trust can be invaluable.

Consider Reviews and Ratings:

Many online platforms like Zocdoc and Healthgrades allow patients to leave reviews for their providers. While reviews shouldn’t be the only factor in your decision, they can give you a sense of a provider’s bedside manner and overall approach to care. Look for reviews that mention LGBTQ+ inclusivity or specific experiences with LGBTQ+ patients.

Don’t Be Afraid to Interview Your Doctor:

The first appointment is a two-way street! Come prepared with a list of questions about the provider’s experience with LGBTQ+ health issues. Here are a few good starters:

  • Do you have experience treating LGBTQ+ patients with similar health concerns to mine?
  • Are you familiar with current best practices for LGBTQ+ healthcare? 
  • How do you create a safe and inclusive environment for your LGBTQ+ patients?

Trust Your Gut:

Finding the right doctor is a personal decision. If a provider makes you feel uncomfortable or unwelcome, don’t be afraid to walk away. You deserve a healthcare professional who makes you feel safe, respected,and heard.

Bonus Tip: When you find a provider you love, stick with them! Building a long-term relationship with your doctor allows them to get to know you as an individual and provide the best possible care.

Remember, finding the right healthcare provider is an investment in your well-being. Don’t settle for anything less than someone who makes you feel fabulous!

Move It or Lose It (But Make it Fun!)

Okay, fabulous friends, let’s ditch the dusty treadmills and forget the boring bicep curls! Moving your body over 50 is about celebrating your strength, resilience, and yes, even your inner disco diva. Staying active is crucial for everyone, but especially as we age. We’ll ditch the “no pain, no gain” mentality and explore a rainbow of fun ways to keep your body moving. Remember, it’s about finding activities you genuinely enjoy – that’s where the true magic (and endorphins!) happen. Here are some ideas to get your heart pumping and your rainbow flag flying:

Find Your Groove:

  • Dance Classes: Channel your inner Beyonce at an LGBTQ+ dance class! Many studios offer everything from salsa to ballroom dancing, specifically geared towards LGBTQ+ communities. The bonus? You’ll meet new people and have a blast while learning some new moves.
  • Rainbow Roller Derby: Feeling adventurous? Look for local LGBTQ+ roller derby leagues (yes, they exist!).This high-energy sport is a fantastic way to get your cardio in while feeling empowered and celebrating your unique spirit.
  • Living Room Dance Parties: Who needs a club when you have your chosen family? Throw on your favorite tunes, clear some floor space, and have a living room dance party with your friends. Bonus points for themed dance nights – think 80s disco or 90s boy bands!

Embrace the Great Outdoors:

  • Hiking with Pride: Many LGBTQ+ hiking groups organize regular outings for all skill levels. Explore nature with a supportive community and enjoy the fresh air and stunning scenery.
  • Rainbow Yoga in the Park: Take your yoga practice outdoors! Look for local LGBTQ+-inclusive yoga classes held in parks or community gardens. Breathe deep, connect with nature, and feel the sun on your skin – pure bliss!
  • Water Warriors: Kayaking, canoeing, and stand-up paddleboarding are fantastic ways to get some exercise and enjoy the water. Many LGBTQ+ community centers organize group outings, so you can paddle with pride.

Games for Grown-Ups:

  • LGBTQ+ Sports Leagues: Softball, volleyball, kickball – the options are endless! Joining an LGBTQ+ sports league is a fantastic way to stay active, have fun, and meet new people who share your passions.
  • Bocce Ball Extravaganza: This classic Italian lawn game is perfect for a casual afternoon with friends. Pack a picnic basket, grab some bocce balls, and prepare for some friendly competition (and maybe a little light shade thrown at your opponents!).
  • Geocaching Adventure: Turn your walk into a treasure hunt with geocaching! This high-tech game uses GPS to lead you on adventures to find hidden caches. It’s a great way to explore your city and get some exercise in the process.

Move it at Home:

  • Fitness Video Games: Who says video games are just for kids? There are tons of fantastic fitness video games on the market that can get you moving and sweating. Dance games, active adventure games, and even virtual reality fitness experiences offer a fun and interactive way to exercise at home.
  • Online Fitness Classes: The internet is bursting with online fitness classes for all levels and interests. Find a class that fits your schedule and fitness level, and get your groove on in the comfort of your living room.
  • Chair Yoga or Fitness: Not everyone can hit the dance floor or go for a long hike. Chair yoga and other low-impact exercise routines are a fantastic way to stay active and improve your flexibility and strength, all from the comfort of your chair.

Remember, the key is to find activities you genuinely enjoy. When exercise feels like fun, you’re more likely to stick with it and reap the health benefits. So, unleash your inner unicorn, find your groove, and get moving, fabulous friends!

Combating Isolation and Celebrating Your Fabulous Self

Let’s face it, as LGBTQ+ folks over 50, we may face unique challenges when it comes to mental well-being. Societal pressures, past experiences with discrimination, and even feelings of isolation within our families can all take a toll. This section will focus on fortifying your mental well-being. We’ll discuss strategies for combating isolation, a common struggle for many LGBTQ+ folks later in life. We’ll explore ways to connect with your chosen family, find LGBTQ+ support groups in your area, and even dive into the world of online communities. But self-care isn’t just about battling negativity; it’s also about celebrating your wins, big and small. We’ll chat about the importance of self-compassion, acknowledging your accomplishments, and reminding yourself of the fabulous journey you’ve been on.

 Here are some strategies to keep your mental well-being sparkling:

Building Your Chosen Family Village:

  • The Power of Connection: Humans are social creatures, and strong social connections are essential for mental well-being. Nurture your relationships with friends, partners, and chosen family members. Plan regular outings,game nights, or just cozy up for coffee and conversation.
  • Find Your Tribe: Many LGBTQ+ community centers offer social groups specifically for mature adults. This is a fantastic way to meet like-minded people, share experiences, and build new friendships.
  • Consider Therapy: Therapy can be a powerful tool for addressing past traumas, navigating life challenges, and developing healthy coping mechanisms. Look for therapists who specialize in working with LGBTQ+ clients to ensure a safe and affirming space.

Embrace the Power of “Me Time”:

  • Self-Care Isn’t Selfish: Schedule regular time for activities that bring you joy and relaxation. Whether it’s reading a good book, taking a long bath, or indulging in a creative hobby, make time for yourself to recharge and de-stress.
  • Mindfulness and Meditation: Taking a few minutes each day to practice mindfulness or meditation can do wonders for your mental well-being. Focus on your breath, quiet your mind, and let go of worries. There are many excellent mindfulness apps and online resources to get you started.
  • Get Enough Sleep: A good night’s sleep is crucial for both physical and mental health. Establish a regular sleep schedule, create a relaxing bedtime routine, and make sure your bedroom is dark, quiet, and cool.

Celebrate Your Wins, Big and Small:

  • The Power of Gratitude: Take some time each day to reflect on the things you’re grateful for, big or small.Keeping a gratitude journal can help shift your focus towards the positive aspects of your life.
  • Acknowledge Your Accomplishments: We all achieve things throughout our lives, big and small. Take a moment to acknowledge your accomplishments, no matter how seemingly insignificant they may seem. You deserve to celebrate your wins!
  • Practice Self-Compassion: We all make mistakes. Instead of beating yourself up, learn from your experiences and practice self-compassion. Treat yourself with the same kindness and understanding you would offer a friend.

Embrace the Silver Linings:

  • Life’s a Journey, Not a Destination: There will be ups and downs along the way. Focus on the journey, not just the destination. Embrace the lessons learned from life’s challenges and celebrate the good times.
  • Find Your Purpose: Having a sense of purpose can be a powerful motivator and contribute to overall well-being. Consider volunteering for a cause you care about, mentoring a younger LGBTQ+ person, or pursuing a lifelong dream.
  • You Are Fabulous!: Never forget how amazing you are! You’ve lived a full life, overcome challenges, and emerged stronger and more fabulous than ever. Embrace your unique qualities and own your fabulous self!

Remember, taking care of your mental well-being is just as important as taking care of your physical health. By building strong connections, prioritizing self-care, and celebrating your accomplishments, you can ensure your golden years are truly sparkling!

Rediscovering Your Passions

Ah, passions! Those activities that set our souls on fire and make us lose track of time. Sometimes, life gets busy, and those passions we once held dear get pushed aside. Remember that forgotten hobby you used to love? Or maybe there’s a new skill you’ve always wanted to try? Now’s the perfect time to reignite your passions or explore uncharted territories. It’s never too late to rekindle that spark and rediscover the things that bring you joy. Here’s your guide to reigniting your passions and maybe even exploring some exciting new ventures:

Unearthing Your Buried Treasures:

  • Take a Trip Down Memory Lane: Jot down some activities you loved as a child or young adult. Was it painting landscapes? Building model airplanes? Maybe you devoured historical fiction novels. Reflect on these past passions and consider how they might translate into your life today.
  • What Ignites Your Curiosity? Think about the things that pique your interest. Do you find yourself getting lost in documentaries about ancient civilizations? Maybe you’re fascinated by the latest advancements in space exploration. These sparks of curiosity can be the seeds of new passions waiting to bloom.
  • Find Inspiration from Others: Talk to friends, family, or fellow LGBTQ+ folks about their hobbies and interests. You might discover a hidden passion you never knew existed! Social media groups and online communities can also be a treasure trove of inspiration for new hobbies.

Taking the Plunge: From Inspiration to Action:

  • Start Small and Celebrate Milestones: You don’t have to commit to a full-blown pottery class right away.Begin with small, manageable steps. Borrow a friend’s paints and brushes, or find a beginner’s guide to stargazing online. Celebrating these small wins will keep you motivated and excited.
  • Embrace Online Resources: The internet is overflowing with resources for learning new skills and reigniting old passions. Find online tutorials, join virtual workshops, or even take an online course. The beauty is, you can learn from the comfort of your own home and at your own pace.
  • Find Your Local Tribe: Many communities offer classes, workshops, and clubs dedicated to a wide range of hobbies and interests. Look for local art groups, photography clubs, or writing workshops. Learning alongside others can be a fun and motivating way to rediscover your passions.

Embrace the Journey, Not Just the Destination:

  • Focus on the Fun, Not Perfection: Remember, it’s about enjoying the process, not achieving instant mastery.Don’t get discouraged if your watercolor paintings don’t look like museum pieces right away. Embrace the learning process and focus on the joy of creating.
  • Experiment and Explore: Don’t be afraid to step outside your comfort zone and try new things. You never know what hidden talents you might discover. Maybe you’ll find a love for woodworking or develop a passion for learning a new language.
  • It’s Okay to Change Your Mind: Rediscovering your passions is a journey, not a destination. If you find that a particular activity isn’t sparking joy, move on and explore something new. The important thing is to keep an open mind and embrace the process of exploration.

Sharing Your Sparkle with the World:

  • Find Your Audience: Once you’ve rediscovered a passion, consider ways to share it with the world. Start a blog about your photography adventures, join a local art show, or teach a beginner’s class in your newfound skill.Sharing your passions can be a source of inspiration for others and a way to connect with like-minded individuals.
  • Mentor a Younger Generation: Many LGBTQ+ youth struggle to find their place in the world. Sharing your talents and experiences with younger LGBTQ+ folks can be incredibly rewarding. Offer to mentor a young person, volunteer at an LGBTQ+ youth center, or simply share your story to inspire the next generation.

Remember, rediscovering your passions is all about embracing the joy of lifelong learning. It’s a chance to reconnect with your inner child, explore new possibilities, and keep your fabulous self sparkling! So, dust off those old hobbies, explore uncharted territories, and rediscover the magic of following your passions!

50+ and Thriving, Not Just Surviving

Let’s face it, society often throws shade at the “over 50” crowd. We might be bombarded with messages about decline, invisibility, and the supposed “golden years” being anything but golden. But here’s the fabulous truth: 50+ is a time of immense opportunity, growth, and self-discovery. This isn’t just about staying healthy; it’s about embracing this exciting chapter with open arms. It’s a chance to rewrite the narrative, shed societal expectations, and truly thrive, not just survive. Here’s how to embrace this exciting chapter and own your power:

The Power of Positive Thinking:

  • Shift Your Mindset: Ditch the negativity! Focus on the incredible things about being 50+. You have a wealth of life experience, wisdom to share, and a deep understanding of who you are. Embrace the confidence and self-assuredness that comes with age.
  • Gratitude is Your Superpower: Take time each day to appreciate the good things in your life. Focus on your health, your strong relationships, and the experiences that have shaped you. A grateful heart is a happy heart, and a happy heart is a magnet for positive experiences.
  • Visualize Your Future: Don’t let your dreams fade away! Take some time to envision what you want your future to look like. Do you dream of traveling the world? Starting a new business venture? Reconnecting with old friends? Write down your goals, visualize your success, and take action steps to make your dreams a reality.

Fabulous Inspiration: Stories of Mid-Life LGBTQ+ Triumph:

  • We’re Not Alone: Feeling invisible? Think again! There are countless inspiring stories of LGBTQ+ folks who are thriving well into their 50s and beyond. Read biographies, follow LGBTQ+ influencers on social media, or connect with other fabulous folks in your community. Seeing others achieve their dreams can be a powerful motivator to pursue your own.
  • You Are Your Own Role Model: Don’t wait for someone else to tell you how to live your best life. You are the author of your own story! Embrace your individuality, celebrate your unique journey, and be the role model you wish you had when you were younger.

Giving Back and Making a Difference:

  • Leave Your Mark on the World: Having a sense of purpose goes a long way towards overall well-being.Consider volunteering for a cause you care about, mentoring a younger LGBTQ+ person, or advocating for social justice within the community. Giving back is a fantastic way to connect with others, make a difference, and feel truly fulfilled.
  • The Power of Community: Being part of something bigger than yourself is incredibly empowering. Get involved in your local LGBTQ+ community center, join an LGBTQ+ social group, or participate in Pride events.Connecting with others can provide support, friendship, and a sense of belonging.

Embrace the Unexpected:

  • Life is Full of Surprises: Sometimes the most amazing experiences come when we least expect them. Be open to new adventures, unexpected opportunities, and the possibility of love blossoming in unexpected places. Let go of rigid life plans and embrace the magic of the unknown.
  • Lifelong Learning is Key: Never stop learning and growing! Take a class, learn a new language, or travel to a new destination. Embrace the challenges and joys of lifelong learning. It’s a fantastic way to keep your mind sharp, your spirit curious, and your life full of possibilities.

Let the journey begin!

Remember, self-care isn’t selfish; it’s essential for living our most fabulous lives. And turning 50 isn’t about slowing down – it’s about shifting gears! It’s time to embrace your wisdom, celebrate your accomplishments, and to write the next exciting chapter of your life. So, let’s raise a glass (or a cup of tea,whatever floats your boat) to the incredible LGBTQ+ community over 50! We’re here, we’re thriving, and we’re only getting better with age. Now go out there and show the world what fabulous truly means!

Are you turning or in your fifties? Did any of your perspectives change once you turned 50? How do you feel our community treats us once we reach this age? Does your doctor know you are LGBTQ+, if not does it matter to you? Has this article helped alleviate any fears or concerns you may have had. Let me know in the comments below. I used a lot of the scenarios I had to navigate finding a healthcare team that was right for me and hope maybe this can save others some time, along the way. Thanks to each and everyone one of you for being a part of Gayinthe CLE. I couldn’t do it all without you.

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